25 Weird and Fun Facts About Me...

In an attempt for everyone to get to know me better, I thought it would be a fun idea to start off by including some weird and fun facts about me.

The Basics

1.) Hi, My Name is Toni. (Every time I write that or even think about it, I can't help but think of the rapper Eminem) 

2.) I'm 5'2 and always wish I was taller. 

3.) Birthday: 6/29 (which makes me a Cancer)

4.) My Mom is Jamaican and my Dad is American - I like to think of myself as being Jamerican  

5.) I love living in New York City.

6.) But If I had the choice I would return back to Washington, D.C. (I lived there for a year while doing a Americorp years ago)

7.) I consider myself to be a be a Ambivert. I like to think of myself as an introvert, but depending on the situation I can be quite the extrovert.

8.) I enjoy many different genre's of music. But I must say I'm a hardcore late 90's-early 2000's rap lover.

9.) I love music so much I actually have a tattoo on my wrist to prove it. (It's a music riff where  hearts replace music notes)

10.) Unfortunately, I'm a horrible singer.

11.) Body Art: 11 tattoos with possibly more to come

12.) I have a weird thing about always needing to have some type of lip gloss or chapstick with me at all times! If I don't, then I have to buy one almost immediately. 

My Favorites

13.) My favorite colors are grey and pink. But I rarely wear pink these days.

14.) My favorite season is Summer. I love everything about it. If I never had to deal with snow again, I would not be upset!!!

15.) I can't count how many times I've seen the movie Clueless. But whenever I catch it on tv, I stop whatever I'm doing to watch it. I can repeat almost every line of the movie word for word.

16.) Fast-food: Panera Bread and Shake Shack

17.) Youtube Videos: I enjoy watching Beauty, Lifestyle, Vlogs, and unboxings. 

18.) Past time: Does sleeping count?

19.) If it doesn't, then going to museums would be one of my favorite past times.

20.) I love Sephora and I enjoy going there way too much. I think of it as the Devil's playground lol.

21.) As for clothing, Zara is my favorite store.

22.) I would describe my fashion style as being very laid back. I'm a sneaker lover and I love being comfortable. 

23.) Sports: Basketball (I enjoy watching, but I'm accident prone; therefore I don't play)

24.)I love to Travel! The Places I would like to Visit Next: Mexico, Aruba, Bermuda, Fuji, London, and Paris (I need more stamps in my passport)!

Why Blog?

25.) I actually started a blog almost 10 years ago. But I wasn't sure in which direction I wanted to go with it, so I stopped. But know I'm back at it focusing on what I love- beauty, fashion and lifestyle.

I hope this gives you a little more insight about me. I would love to know something about you too! Please share and have a good day!